Powerful Dua to Bring Someone Closer To You (Accept Your Love) 

Dua To Bring Someone Closer

 Love is a beautiful feeling in this world; those who have experienced it truly understand its depth. Sometimes, you fall for someone who makes you feel unique and cherished.  If you want to feel same, read the dua to bring someone closer to you from the Quran.

However, there are moments when you realize that the person you love doesn’t feel as close to you as you thought, causing you to feel suffocated and anxious, believing they might drift away someday. 

Do you find yourself in a similar situation, wishing for that person to be closer to you and to reciprocate your feelings?  

If so, this article will provide you with a powerful dua to bring someone closer to you. By reciting this dua, that person will come very close to you, and that too in a completely halal way. 

Dua to Bring Someone Closer To You and How It Works 

As you know, dua is a medium through which you can communicate with Allah Taala and present the desires of your heart before Allah Pak. 

It’s true that every problem in our lives can be solved by praying. Many duas included in the Holy Quran have their unique benefits. 

If you love someone and want them to come close to you and love you as you love them, we will provide you with a dua from Quran Pak and explain how to perform it. 

After performing this dua, you will start feeling that this prayer is working, and that person is gradually getting closer to you. 

Thousands of readers of Recite Dua have tried this dua and achieved remarkable results, leading to much happier lives. 

Guidelines About Dua To Bring Someone Closer to You 

  1. Make this dua with complete faith in Allah Taala. 
  2. Do not recite this dua with ill intentions or solely for personal gain, as it will not yield results. 
  3. Always pray sincerely and consistently according to the instructions. 
  4. Perform the dua correctly; avoid any magic or haram activities, as they are forbidden in Islam. 
  5. Women should not perform this dua during their periods.

Step-by-Step Method to Perform the Dua to Bring Someone Closer to You 

  1. Make Wudu before any Salah. 
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times. 
  3. Recite the verse “Ya-wadudu” (The Most Loving) 201times. 
  4. Blow on your lover’s photo and pray to Allah SWT to bring that person closer to you.

Follow this method of the dua to bring someone closer to you daily for 16 days. InshaAllah, within these 16 days, you will see positive outcomes, and your lover will try to meet with you. 

Why should you perform the dua to bring someone closer to you?

1. This dua calls upon Allah’s attribute of love (Ya-wadudu), helping to strengthen the bond and affection between you and the person you desire. 

2. By reciting the dua and blowing on the picture, you align your intentions and positive energy with your desired outcome. 

3. Performing this dua emphasizes the importance of seeking divine intervention in matters of the heart, fostering a deeper spiritual connection with Allah SWT. 

If you are a married person, read the dua to bring husband-wife closer for a happy marriage. This powerful dua is taken from the Quran by Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan. It has effectively helped thousands of people in having a successful and happy married life.

dua to get closer to allah

How to perform Dua to Get Closer to Allah?

  1. Start by performing ablution to purify yourself. 
  2. Sit facing the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. 
  3.  Start by praising Allah and reciting Durood Shareef. 
  4. Clearly state your intentions and desires to get closer to Allah. 
  5. Recite duas or verses from the Quran that emphasize seeking closeness to Allah, such as “Ya Muqallibal Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi ‘ala Deenik” (O Turner of hearts, keep my heart firm on Your religion). 
  6. Speak to Allah in your own words, expressing your needs and seeking His guidance. 

If you want more guidance from Molana Ashraf Ali Khan about the best dua to bring someone closer to you, you can contact him anytime.

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