Powerful Dua for newly married couple in Arabic (for couples blessed marriage) 

dua for newly married couple

The Dua for Newly Married Couples provided in this article has greatly benefited thousands of couples, helping them receive Allah’s blessings and guidance. It continues to be a blessing for many. 

Everyone desires a harmonious and peaceful married life, free from conflicts and discord. Often, people are unaware that with Allah’s blessings, any potential discord or fights between husband and wife can be avoided, allowing them to live comfortably. 

If you are newly married and wish for a successful marriage, this article offers a Dua for Newly Married Couples. This dua is an excellent way for couples to seek blessings from Allah (SWT). By following the instructions and incorporating this dua into your life, you can experience many benefits and avoid marital problems. 

Remember to perform this dua for married couple to have a successful marriage with complete faith in Allah (SWT) for the best results. 

Guidelines for dua for newly married couple in Arabic  

  1. Begin by performing Marriage Istikhara together to seek Allah’s guidance and blessings for your marriage journey. 
  2. Both husband and wife should ask Allah for forgiveness for their sins. 
  3. Ensure both of you have clear and pure intentions, avoiding any negative thoughts while reciting this dua. 
  4. The husband and wife should recite the given dua together, enhancing their bond and inviting Allah’s guidance. 
  5. Before starting this dua, also recite some powerful dua for marriage. 
dua for newly married couple in Islam

What is the Purpose of Reading dua for newly married couple in Arabic?  

“اور اس کے نشانات میں سے ایک نشانی یہ ہے کہ اُس نے تمہیں اپنے جیسے لوگوں سے جوڑا، تاکہ تم ان میں سکونت پاؤٔ اور اُس نے تم میں محبت اور رحمت ڈالی۔ بیشک اس میں قومیں سوچنے والوں کے لیے نشانیاں ہیں۔” 

This Arabic verse of dua for newly married couple highlights Allah’s wisdom in creating spouses for each other. It emphasized companionship, tranquility, affection, and mercy between them. It serves as a halal prayer for a harmonious and blessed marital life, seeking Allah’s blessings and guidance for the newly married couple. 

How to perform Dua For Married Couple To Have Blessed Marriage

  1. Perform the ritual of purity (Wudu). 
  2. Reciting Durood Shareef and start reading Surah Ya-Sin
  3. Reciting the dua a specific number of times with a sincere heart. 
  4. Consistency in performing this dua after Tahajjud Salah for 15 days. 

By following this method with sincere faith in Allah SWT, couples can expect to see positive outcomes and blessings soon.


The Dua for Newly Married Couples provided in this article has brought blessings, guidance, peace, and understanding to countless marriages. Rooted in the teachings of the Quran, this dua serves as a powerful supplication for seeking Allah’s blessings and ensuring a blissful marital life. 

To perform this dua effectively, couples are advised to: 

– Seek Istikhara guidance together. 

– Ask for forgiveness. 

– Maintain pure intentions. 

– Recite specific duas for marriage. 

The dua itself, “Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wadhuriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama,” is a plea for comfort, righteous offspring, and an exemplary life guided by piety. 

Additionally, the article mentions a dua for the first wedding night, “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar,” seeking goodness in this life and the hereafter, along with protection from adversity. 

Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of seeking Allah’s blessings and guidance through dua, especially during significant milestones like marriage, to nurture a fulfilling and blessed marital life. 

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