Islamic Dua To Forget Someone You Love

dua to forget someone you love

Salam to all the readers of Recite Dua! Our Islamic dua to forget someone you love has positively impacted thousands of lives. Many have found peace and happiness by moving on as the memories of their past love have been completely erased.

In this world, Allah has made love so powerful that it often feels invincible. Even if the whole world stands against love, it seems impossible to overcome its strength.

Only those who have experienced true love understand the depth of this emotion. They devote their entire lives to their beloved, doing things they never imagined they could do.

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However, sometimes, if Allah has not destined two lovers to be together, they may not be able to unite. This often leads to their separation that brings in the pain of heartbreak. This separation leaves a deep pain in their hearts and minds. They constantly think about their lost love, unable to erase the memories.

Are you experiencing similar pain and wish to forget someone you love? This article will guide you through a method to perform Islamic dua to forget someone you love and to move on . By following this method of dua to get over someone with full faith in Allah, you can, inshallah, erase those memories forever.

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Guidelines To Follow For Dua To Forget Someone You Love and Move On

To have your dua to forget about someone you love and move on accepted by Allah, it is important to follow certain guidelines before you begin. Following these rules increases the chances of your prayers being accepted and brings you closer to Allah.

  1. Begin your dua to forget someone you love with a clean heart and positive thoughts. Avoid harboring ill feelings towards anyone.
  2. Until your prayer is answered, refrain from sharing it with others. This helps protect you from potential envy or negativity.
  3. Women should wait until after their menstruation period has ended before starting this dua to get over someone.
  4. Regularly ask for Allah’s forgiveness for your sins while performing the dua.
  5. Perform this dua to get over someone and forget them daily according to the prescribed rules without missing any days.

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Islamic Dua To Forget Someone You Love Explained

Relationships are considered a sacred bond by Allah. It is a bond where partners share both joyous and challenging moments, creating lasting memories together. These memories often become deeply engraved in their hearts and minds, making them difficult to forget.

However, over time, issues can arise, leading to the need for separation as the best solution. Even after a breakup, if one partner constantly misses the other and finds it hard to stop thinking about them, it can be incredibly painful.

These lingering memories can prevent a person from moving forward in life, making them lose interest in everything. If you find yourself in a similar situation, follow our powerful “Dua to Move On from Someone.” It is the best dua to forget someone you love and get over them.

Recite this dua to get over someone with sincere devotion, and you will be able to erase these memories from your heart and mind forever.

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Stepwise Process to Perform Dua to Forget Someone You Love From Quran

  • Perform wudu (ablution) to purify your body before starting the dua to forget someone you love.
  • Pray two units (rak’ahs) of Salat al-Hajat with the intention of seeking Allah’s help in forgetting someone.
  • Recite a specific Quranic dua to forget someone you love, such as: “O Allah, remove this person from my thoughts and heart. Help me to move forward and find peace.”
  • Recite this dua to forget someone you love regularly.

    You can perform it especially during times when duas are more likely to be accepted. To find out what those timings are, you can consult our Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan ji anytime. 

How To Perform The Dua To Get Over Someone In 6 Steps?

  1. Begin with performing Wudu for purification.
  2. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Read Surah al-Qasas once.
  4. Recite “hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel” 501 times.
  5. Recite this dua while thinking of the person you want to forget completely.
  6. Finally, earnestly pray to Allah (SWT) to help you in moving on from someone.

Consistently perform this dua twice daily for 15 days, Insha’Allah, to find peace and move past your feelings for that person.

Dua To Get Over Someone in 6 Steps


The dua to forget someone you love in this article offers comfort and healing for those struggling with memories of lost love. It is the best dua to get over someone which helps guide them toward closure and inner peace.

By sincerely following the given dua to get over someone completely and move on with faith, individuals can gradually overcome the pain of separation and move forward with renewed strength and hope.

If you want a personalized remedy to forget someone completely, consult our Islamic scholar directly. 

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