Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

Dua To Make Someone Fall in love With You

Salaam to all the Recite Dua Readers! We are here with the best Quranic dua to make someone fall in love with you. 

Love is a powerful emotion. When you’re deeply in love, that person occupies your thoughts constantly. If you’re yearning for someone’s affection and want them to reciprocate your feelings, consider performing the dua to make someone fall in love with you. 

This dua to make someone love you is a way to seek Allah Ta’ala’s guidance. It is the most halal dua to recite to attract the love of the person you desire. 

Remember that all the methods mentioned on the Recite Dua website are completely halal and not related to magic. Our Islamic scholar strictly follows all the Islamic principles.

Note: If you are not getting good marriage proposals then recite the dua for marriage proposal in Islam

What Is The Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You?

Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You 2

The authentic Quranic dua to make someone fall in love with you is as follows:

Wa min Aayaatiheee an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwaajal litaskunooo ilaihaa wa ja’ala bainakum mawad datanw wa rahmah; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawminy yatafakkaroon.

Surah Ar-Rum (30:21)

This dua to make someone fall in love with you is derived from Surah Ar-Rum (30:21). You can get in touch with our Islamic scholar if you want to know about this dua to make someone love you in detail. 

4 Steps of Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Madly

  1. Before any Salah (prayer), perform Wudu.
  2. Recite Ayat al-Kursi 11 times.
  3. Repeat the phrase “Inallah ala kulli shayin qadeer” 435 times.
  4. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to make that person fall in love with you. Maintain this practice for 15 days. Inshallah, you’ll notice positive changes in their feelings towards you.

May your intentions be pure, and may your love be blessed! 

Importance Of Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Soon 

Love is a profound emotion, and when guided by pure intentions and faith, it can lead to beautiful connections. Let’s explain the significance of the dua to make someone fall in love with you. Here’s why this dua holds importance:

  1. The dua to make someone fall in love with you is rooted in the Quran. It is the ultimate source of guidance for believers. It reflects our reliance on Allah’s wisdom and mercy.
  2. By reciting this dua, you seek Allah’s assistance in matters of the heart, acknowledging that He knows what is best for you.
  3. Love fueled by sincere intentions is powerful. When you genuinely care for someone, your intentions become a driving force.
  4. This dua encourages you to focus on the purity of your feelings and align them with Allah’s will.
  5. The dua involves consistent recitation over 15 days. This process teaches patience and persistence.
  6. It avoids any harmful practices or shortcuts, ensuring your actions remain within the boundaries set by Allah.
  7. Sometimes, we desire someone’s love, but Allah’s plan may differ from ours.
  8. By reciting this dua, you surrender to His wisdom, trusting that He knows what’s best for you—even if it’s not what you initially hoped for.

Remember, the dua isn’t a magical spell; it’s a heartfelt supplication. Combine it with self-improvement, kindness, and genuine efforts to build a connection. May Allah bless your intentions and grant you love that is both beautiful and lasting! 

Guidelines About Performing Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love

Before beginning to perform the dua and wazifa, consider the following points. Adhering to them will enhance the effectiveness of your prayers, and may Allah Ta’ala accept them:

  • Your intention behind reciting the dua should be noble and sincere. If your intentions are pure, the prayer is more likely to yield positive results.
  • Avoid any ulterior motives or negative thoughts while performing the dua.
  • Place complete trust in Allah (SWT) during this process. Doubt or negativity can hinder the acceptance of your prayers.
  • Believe that Allah knows what’s best for you, even if the outcome isn’t exactly as you desire.
  • While you can make dua at any time, certain moments are especially auspicious. Consider praying during the last third of the night, on Fridays, and during significant occasions like Ramadan.
  • These times are believed to be when Allah’s mercy and blessings are abundant.
  • Before making any supplication, seek forgiveness from Allah by saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah).
  • Repentance purifies the heart and strengthens your connection with the Divine.
  • Women should refrain from performing this dua to make a person fall in love or wazifa during menstruation.
  • Wait until you are in a state of ritual purity to engage in this spiritual practice.

May your efforts be rewarded, and may your love be blessed by Allah’s grace! 

Best Dua to Make Your Crush Fall in Love With You

It’s important to approach the topic of making someone fall in love with you with respect and ethical considerations. Duas (prayers) in Islam are meant to seek guidance, blessings, and help from Allah. One commonly recited dua for love and affection is asking Allah to put love and mercy between you and the other person’s heart.

“Allahumma layyin qalbi fulan ibn fulan kama layyintal hadiidi li sayyidina Dawood alayhis-salam biqudratik ya Allah.”


“O Allah, soften the heart of [the person’s name] as You softened the iron for Dawood (David), with Your power, O Allah.”

This dua to make your crush fall in love with you seeks divine intervention. It helps create mutual affection in the context of respect and genuine care. Always remember that true love should be based on mutual consent and respect. Moreover, one should always be ready to accept Allah’s will, whether it aligns with personal desires or not.

Dua to Make Your Crush Fall in Love With You in 6 Steps

  1. Ensure you’re in a state of cleanliness by performing ablution (wudu).
  2. Choose a serene and clean place for your prayer where you can concentrate without interruptions.
  3. Offer two units (rakat) of optional (nafl) prayer to seek closeness to Allah.
  4. After completing your prayer, raise your hands in supplication and recite the following dua with sincerity and faith:“Allahumma layyin qalbi fulan ibn fulan kama layyintal hadiidi li sayyidina Dawood alayhis-salam biqudratik ya Allah.”(Replace “fulan ibn fulan” with the actual name of the person you are praying for).
  5. Ask Allah to bless your intentions, grant you what is best, and accept your prayers.
  6. Conclude your supplication by sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by reciting, “Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad.”

Remember, true love and affection should stem from sincerity, respect, and consent, and always be ready to accept Allah’s plan for you.

Stepwise Process to Perform This Dua for Love in Islam

  • Before any Salah (prayer), perform Wudu (ritual ablution).
  • Recite Ayat al-Kursi 11 times.
  • Repeat the phrase “Inallah ala kulli shayin qadeer” 435 times.
  • Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to make that person fall in love with you.
Dua For Love in Islam

Consistently follow this method for 15 days, and inshallah, you will notice positive changes in their feelings towards you. 

For any further questions about this powerful dua to make someone fall in love with you, consult our Islamic scholar Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan.  

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