Powerful Dua for Marriage Proposal (Rishta Acceptance in Islam)

Dua For Marriage Proposal

Assalamalaikum! Our recommended Dua for Marriage Proposal in Islam has positively impacted the lives of many. This powerful halal prayer helps them lead a happy life with their life partners. This positive trend continues to grow. 

Marriage is crucial in everyone’s life, considered a vital aspect in the eyes of Allah Taala as emphasized in the Quran. 

Marriage presents challenges for all individuals in the current time. Despite receiving numerous proposals, people often face rejection or no response for various reasons. 

If you’re a parent worried about your children’s marriage prospects and facing disappointments with rejections or unsettled marriages, rest assured—there’s no need to panic. Read this article to understand how dua for marriage proposal will help you immediately.

In cases where marriage proposals encounter hurdles, this article aims to offer a powerful dua for marriage proposal from the Holy Quran to overcome obstacles and seek Allah’s blessings. 

By sincerely reciting this dua for immediate marriage proposal with strong faith in Allah and genuine intentions. Follow the prescribed guidelinesand you can resolve marriage proposal issues and receive accepted proposals for Nikah. 

Whether you’re a concerned parent praying for your children’s marriages or facing these challenges yourself, this dua is suitable for anyone seeking a solution. 

Guidelines To Perform Dua For Marriage Proposal 

If you desire to receive a marriage proposal soon and seek a blessed relationship, it is essential to adhere to certain guidelines before commencing the recommended dua. 

Here are the guidelines of Dua for getting good marriage proposals

  1. Refrain from praying with ill intentions. Negative thoughts or harmful intentions towards others may hinder acceptance from Allah SWT. 
  2. Follow the dua and its procedures exactly as outlined here. Missing any steps requires restarting the dua from the beginning. 
  3. The provided dua and its methods are in accordance with Islamic principles and should not involve any forms of magic prohibited in Islam. 
  4. Women should abstain from reciting this dua during menstruation. 
  5. For quicker acceptance by Allah Taala, initiate the prayer on auspicious days such as Fridays or during Ramadan. 
  6. Maintain steadfast faith in Allah throughout the commencement and recitation of these duas. 

Step-by-Step Guide for Dua for Marriage Proposal in Islam: 

Dua for Marriage Proposal in Islam

   1. Start by performing ablution (Wudu) to purify yourself. 

   2. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times followed by Surah Yasin twice. 

   3. Then, recite the verse for 343 times. 

Wa Allahu khalaqakum min turabin thumma min nutfatin thumma ja’ala min kum azwajan

   4. Conclude by earnestly praying to Allah (SWT) for a swift marriage proposal. 

Follow this simple yet effective method daily for 17 days to seek the desired marriage proposal from Allah SWT. 

Best Dua for Immediate Marriage Proposal

 If your age for marriage is drawing to a close and you seek an immediate proposal, we offer you a powerful dua. Perform this dua with unwavering faith in Allah Taala for swift results. 

  • Begin by performing ablution (wudu) before any Salah.
  • Recite the ten names of Allah (SWT) with Bismillah. 
  • Afterward, recite Surah Al-Fatiha once and then recite “nasruminallah wa fathun qareeb” 786 times. Pray earnestly to Allah SWT for an immediate marriage proposal. 
  • Follow this method diligently for 18 consecutive days without interruption.
  • InshaAllah, you will witness positive results and receive an immediate marriage proposal. 
Dua For Immediate Marriage Proposal

Steps to Perform Wazifa for Marriage Proposal Acceptance: 

If you are facing challenges with your marriage proposal and earnestly wish for its acceptance, we offer you a wazifa. When performed with sincere faith in Allah, this wazifa can help overcome obstacles and ensure your proposal is accepted. 

Wazifa for Marriage Proposal Acceptance
  • Begin by performing ablution on Friday night in a serene environment. 
  • Read Durood Sharif 11 times to invoke blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 
  • Recite either Surah Al-Fatiha or Surah Taha once for spiritual strength.  Recite “Bismillahillazi la yadurru” 453 times and blow on the photograph of the person you desire to propose to. 
  • Repeat this method every Friday night for three consecutive weeks. It will help you facilitate the acceptance of your marriage proposal. 

Short Process for Dua for a Good Rishta Proposal

  1. Cleanse yourself by performing Wudu.
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times.
  4. Raise your hands and sincerely ask Allah for a good rishta (proposal).
  5. End with reciting Durood Shareef 11 times again.


The Dua for Marriage Proposal in Islam has emerged as a beacon of hope and positivity for countless individuals pursuing marital happiness.

By faithfully adhering to the prescribed guidelines and sincerely reciting the recommended duas, both individuals and parents can navigate the complexities of marriage proposals with unwavering trust in Allah’s blessings and guidance.

For any help about the dua for marriage proposal acceptance, get in touch with our Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan.

If you found this article beneficial, we encourage you to share it with others, as sharing is caring. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below about the duas for marriage proposals. 

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